Dr. Seuss is a children’s icon, teaching us lessons and creating crazy and chaotic stories we all love. You grew up with his stories, and now your children can, too, with your Dr. Seuss nursery. But Dr. Seuss had so many tales to tell…how do you pick just the right characters and stories? We found some Dr. Seuss Nursery Ideas with the perfect messages.
1) Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

Your baby is going places! The story, “Oh, The Places You’ll Go!” is the perfect way to show and tell your little one that there’s a world out there to explore and learn about. After all, infancy and childhood is a years-long exploration during which they’ll learn about the world and discover so many new things they could never have imagined. Right now, everything is magic for them. You can create a nursery based on this book by tracing scenes from it onto the walls and painting them in.
2) The Best Quotes
What’s your favorite Dr. Seuss quote? Better yet, which of the many iconic quotes embodies what you want your child to grow up with. There are so many to pick, and ultimately, you’ll want your little one to have a few of the best quotes on their walls as decals. Our pick was this fun and brightly colored wall decal of a quote from the Cat in the Hat that tells about the importance of being true to yourself, though there are many more amazing lessons to teach your baby.
3) DIY Truffula Trees
Truffula trees are an iconic part of the Dr. Seuss landscape, and they have a fun and cute look that’d be a perfect nursery idea. That said, how do you include imaginary trees in your decorating? There are so many ways to do it, but if you want something realistic, you can use this tutorial to make real-looking truffula trees in pots, then treat them like any other faux houseplant. The other benefit of truffula trees? The texture is an excellent stimulus to intrigue your baby and helps them learn since babies learn a lot through touching things.
4) Seuss Mobile
Every nursery will probably have a mobile to entertain your little one when they’re lying on their back in a crib or on a changing table and to put them to sleep when needed. Naturally, you’ll want a mobile that fits your nursery, so we found this Dr. Seuss mobile from Amazon with hot air balloons and the phrase “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” It plays music to help soothe your little one to sleep, and the balloons reflect the spirit of adventure that so many Dr. Seuss stories embody.
5) Map
If you’ve picked Dr. Seuss as a theme, you probably want your baby to grow up around the strange and unique and never be afraid to be different or adventurous. A map like this one from “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” would be an amazing way to start that adventure, and they can take it with them if they move into a different room as they grow up. The excitement and possibilities of explorations that come with a map are unmatched and will probably entertain your child for a long time.
6) DIY Mod Podge Name Letters

Letters with a baby’s name are standard in a nursery because we want our children to grow up learning to read, and the first thing they’ll learn to read and write is their own name! This helps give them a sense of identity, and we wanted you to be able to do it in your Dr. Seuss nursery. You can use this tutorial from The Ecstatic Experience to learn how to make Dr. Seuss-themed letters that spell your little one’s name!
7) Cat In The Hat Toy Ring
The Cat in the Hat is one of the most popular Dr. Seuss stories, with all the silliness that young readers love. It connects to children’s everyday lives in relatable ways, and people continue to love it into adulthood. This popularity makes it a wonderful story to include in your nursery with things like decals, decorations, and even toys. We found this Cat in the Hat toy ring that would be an excellent way to keep your baby entertained, stimulated, and occupied.
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8) Valance
Valances can make a room look cuter and more well-thought-out, adding a bit of old-fashioned decoration and some texture to a room. Naturally, you’ll want one that’s related to your theme, like this Peek-a-Boo Cat in the Hat one. It has an image of the Cat in the Hat’s head as if the cat were just peeking over the bottom edge of the valance. This creates a silly and fun look that’ll intrigue your baby when they notice it.
9) DIY Dr. Seuss Bookshelf
Bookshelves are valuable for young children since fostering a love of reading helps them grow up to be curious and intelligent. Babies typically only need a few display shelves to show the front covers of books, but if your little one will stay in this room after it’s no longer a nursery, you can create something thematic that they’ll love forever. You can use this tutorial to make a Dr. Seuss-style shelf set for all their toys, keepsakes, and of course, their books!
10) The Smallest Things
Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. At least, that’s what this Dr. Seuss sticker tells us, and we think you might agree when it comes to your tiny bundle of joy. Since this quote is so appropriate for an infant, it’d be the ideal one to put up on your little one’s wall. Try putting it above the crib to make it clear that your baby is the small thing taking up so much room in your heart.
11) Neutral With Dr. Seuss Decor

If this room isn’t always going to be a nursery or isn’t always going to be Dr. Seuss-themed, you might want to set it up so that you can change themes quickly with little trouble. The simplest way to do that’s probably to start with neutral furniture and use Dr. Seuss decorations as Sam does in this Simple Everyday Mom nursery. This way, you only need to change the decorations when you want to change the theme, and you can reuse the furniture or give it to your child someday.
12) Character Bedding
While Dr. Seuss has some imaginative worlds, a lot of the fun of his stories comes from his ability to create entertaining characters. This 4-piece bedding set is an ideal way to show various characters from different stories. We liked this set specifically because there aren’t any lines separating them like there are in many similar sets. This setup with no boundaries seems right for a set of characters that challenge the boundaries of “normal” with the unusual and weird.
13) Printable

Your nursery is ultimately a temporary thing since eventually, your baby will grow out of it. This means you might want some decorations that don’t cost much money and can be easily changed, and printables fit those needs. We found this storybook Dr. Seuss printable that you can put in a frame to show the classic Dr. Seuss art style along with the look of a storybook to help your baby get used to the way books look.
14) Truffula Tree Stickers
Truffula trees are a fun and recognizable Dr. Seuss landscape feature, so if you want your baby’s room to feel like it’s part of the Dr. Seuss world, there are few better decorations. You can try painting the trees or get large stickers like these to place at the bottom of the walls. These can transform your child’s nursery into a Dr, Seuss landscape and make it feel like it’s in another, more magical world.
How else could you make a fun and quirky Dr. Seuss nursery? Did we miss any ideas? Please share them in the comments below!